Saturday, 23 February 2019

Circular No 903

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 23 February 2019 No. 903
Nigel Boos <>
Jan 26 at 12:22 PM
Ohhhh, this is so nice of you, Joyce.
Thank you for responding.
I appreciate all your information, and I am passing it on to others involved in this exercise, so that they can also update their records as well.
Please let Bernard know I was asking about him and the family.
Best wishes,
Nigel Boos
On Jan 26, 2019, at 10:13 AM,
Joyce Johnson <> wrote:
Dear Nigel,
I'm responding as Bernard, my husband, is at present attending a fishing tournament in Grenada.  
I never was able to get Bernard to use a computer but I'm his 'email female'.
Anthony Johnson lives in California, his address is 
The address I have for Charles Devaux is: .  
His brother, Desmond is mentally ill and lives in 'sheltered accommodation' so I'm not sure whether he would respond to an email.
Hope this helps.
Kindest regards,
From: Nigel Boos
Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2019 10:58 AM
Thanks again, Mike.
Of course you’re correct.
How stupid of me.
I should have remembered that the Johnson boys were related to the Devaux folks.
Thank you for reminding me of this.
So now, I shall spread my net wider, in my attempt to contact Charles and Desmond Devaux.
I have no knowledge of a Martin nor a Christian Devaux, who may / may not have attended school at the Mount.
If anyone receiving this email would wish to clarify this for me, I’d certainly appreciate it.
I’d written to Bernard a few years ago, and he did tell me that Claude had died in England and was buried there, but I’ve not had an opportunity since then to re-connect as yet with him, so here goes, to both Bernard and “Bookie”, Richard:
Bernard and Richard, howdy to you and yours.
I hope this note finds you in great health and doing well.
I need a little help, please, and I wonder whether you might be able to offer it?
I’m trying to get the email addresses for Charles and Desmond Devaux, in an effort to update our MSB Old Boys database.
Are you able to help me to get these?
If so, gracias, gracias, gracias!
I’d also like to know how to connect with Anthony, my old buddy “Gabby”.
He seems to have drifted off my screen into outer space and I haven’t heard from him for perhaps 20 years.
Last I heard, I think he was in California somewhere.
Best wishes to all you great people.
On Jan 26, 2019, at 6:12 AM,
Michael Devaux <> wrote:
Hello again Nags.
One further point...
I don't know if u realise but Bernard Johnson is also a first cousin to the brothers Charles & Desmond as well as to Geoffrey.
Bernard's mother was sister to both Uncle Denis (Charle's & Desmond's father) & Uncle Cyril (Geoff's father).
If I remember rightly all the Johnson boys went to Mount.
Their names were Bernard, Claude, Anthony & Richard.
I know one has died.
When I was in St Lucia recently I met both Bernard & Richard who are very much alive!!!
By the way Martin is also still in St Lucia but I believe he is not too well.
I understand he has one of those terrible diseases like MS or something similar.
Poor fellow!!! His brother is Christian who may have gone to Mount as well but I am unsure of that.
Christian now lives in Australia in Northern N S W.
Keep well & happy & please remember me in your prayers.
Love to Jackie & the family.
God bless.
Nigel Boos <>
Jan 26 at 6:22 AM
Thanks for the update, Mike.
I hope you had an inspiring visit to the Holy Land.
Well, I guess that the email addresses, if they ever come, will have to come from Geoff. 
I look forward to hearing from him in due course.
Thanks to you both.
On Jan 25, 2019, at 3:11 PM, Michael Devaux <> wrote:
Hello Nags. 
Sorry I cannot help with the addresses here but Geoff should be able to fill in the gaps.
He is a first cousin to Charles & Desmond & a distant cousin to Martin.
All 3 of these boys live in St. Lucia.
Patrick I am not aware of but expect he is St. Lucian as well so again Geoff may be able to help.
Sorry I took a while to reply but have just returned from a pilgrimage to the Holy Land.
I am currently in Melbourne with Stephen Nivet & his wife Elizabeth.
I will be leaving on Sunday to return home.
We had a most inspirational 11 days there with 26 other pilgrims visiting the Holy Sights.
There were 3 priests included so mass (or on some days masses) every day.
Many of these Stephen & I served (in private as well as in the Holy Places sometimes).
Fr. Toba was probably smiling on us from above.
Apart from my parents I think that man had the greatest influence on my life...
Good luck with the addresses.
God bless always.
robert elias <>
AddWednesday, May 13, 2009 8:38:45 PM
Hello Ladislao,
I do hope that this e-mail reaches you before you leave Caracas for Port-of-Spain.
I had read sometime ago where Nigel Boos was asking about ""THE CHINESE LADY"" that used to run the kitchen and if anyone had known her name.
I immediately responded to Nigel giving him the information he had asked for.
Her name is Ms. Victoria Soo Poy, she is in her late 80's and was the victim of a car accident where she was in hospital for several months.
She had broken both her legs and now walks with a "Stand".
She lives at Mount St. Benedict in a little old house nearby the ""Guest House"" and survives on a "Pension" and is under lots of stress.
She actually pays the "Mount" a rent for that little house she lives in.
The purpose of this e-mail is to suggest that ""WE"" Past Students who ate from her Kitchen and I am told that she was up there for Many Many Years could start a fund to assist her in this time of need
Please put this e-mail into your distribution to ""ALL PAST STUDENTS"" who remembers her.
I Remain,
Robert Elias,
De Mighty Trini.( Trini To The Groin) 
Justice Don Mitchell CBE (Retd) <>
Monday, January 26, 2009 5:36:09 PM
I remember a "Mr Rais". 
I am not sure how his name was spelled.
But, we always pronounced his name with an "s". 
He was probably your Mr Rai.
It was about 1955 or 1956. 
I was in Prep B. 
I was still learning my tables. 
I have told the story often enough. 
I even have a blog about it. 
Here it is:
Nigel P. Boos <>
Monday, January 26, 2009 4:22:39 PM
To be honest, No!
I don't remember him at all.
But you've given me two more names for the "Teacher's Database".
On 26-Jan-09, at 3:18 PM, eden hutton wrote:
Hi Nigel,
Do you remember Mr Sumasu Rai?
He was a vegetarian and to underline the fact he used to tell the boys, when they made a mistake, that they had made a "beefsteak."
He took over Prep A from Mr Wood when he disappeared from Mt. (Somewhat intimidating, Mr Wood "we young an strong we en fraid a soul in tong, who tink dey bad to meet dem we more dan glad."
The first Carnival boys were allowed to go to town Mr Wood was still teaching and we met up with him in front of the Queen's Park Hotel by chance, jumping up in the same band.
He had a bull pistle “one of the most effective tools of correction, The Bull Pistle. Its application must be used sparingly mind you, but most definitely when deemed necessary and appropriate, as was just the case”  on a cord around his neck hanging down his back.
"Boys! he said "stay close to me in case dey have any trouble!! Ei ! Hutton ! Yu jumpin up boy !
I was mortally afraid of him and he knew it.
He was a master at throwing the wood backed duster.)
I met him - Mr Rai - in Hamburg in '75 or '76 and then in the late '90's I often saw him in London.
Very, very street smart, socially active, grass roots activist, intellectual.
Best wishes,
From: "Justice Don Mitchell CBE (Retd)"
Date: Thu, 18 May 2006 21:20:53 -0400
Hi Jon,
You don't know the can of worms you opened when you wrote the anecdote about Mr Rai below. 
I have not heard his name called in 40+ years.
That man ruined my education completely. 
He was my arithmetic teacher in Prep B and Prep A in the late 1950s. 
His idea of teaching was to walk around the classroom with a blackboard duster clasped firmly in his hand. 
If he detected the slightest error in one's calculations, the result was a sharp crack of the wooden back of the duster on the top of the head. 
After two years of his tutelage, I emerged into Form 1 completely ignorant of the basics of arithmetic, far less of mathematics. 
I was in my 50s before I learned that there was anything positive about mathematics.
I failed O Level Chemistry and Physics because of the phobias that that man induced in my childish psyche. 
If he were here in front of me today, I would shoot him dead as an example of what should happen to a bad teacher. 
And, I would not suffer a qualm about the consequences!
----- Original Message ----------------------------
From: Jon Golding
Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2006 10:09 PM
I was there in Prep B at the time and those who were will remember Jeanzie De Meillac who many years later met Mr Rai in a pub in Ireland. 
Apparently Rai was being a pain in the ass as usual and it ended up in an argument and Rai got floored by a De Meillac right hand! 
They say what goes around comes around - even if it takes a long time! 
I guess it was one schoolboy fantasy come true!
Moral of Story - " Don't Mess Around With a Mount Boy!!!
Jon Golding
EDITED by Ladislao Kertesz,, The Circular needs your support, it is 52.oo usd per year to cover the preparation of 52 issues. Must remind you that we are in a crisis here in Venezuela where I am having difficulties with obtaining the material for its preparation.
07NT0026NTR, Neil Trotman
66LK0001FIL, Fr. Ildefonse
09LK2431FBAKN, Arthur Knaggs
58CV0011STANTHONY, St.Anthonys football team

Saturday, 16 February 2019

Circular No 902

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 16 February 2019 No. 902
Dear Friends,
An exchange on Fr. Michael de Verteuil, an Oldboy, and Don´s visit.
Nigel Boos <>
Jan 24 at 8:50 AM
Actually, yes, Don.
I think he’d be thrilled to realize the connection.
On Jan 24, 2019, at 7:11 AM,
Don Mitchell <> wrote:
Hi, Kaz,
No, I didn’t have any photos. 
I got the photos in question from Ladislao’s Circulars over time. 
When I left Anguilla for that trip to Port of Spain (I think it was a nephew’s wedding), I had no idea that I would be meeting MJ on that trip. 
It was a spontaneous thing to go next door and say hello. 
He had no advance warning :-)
Instead of us talking about him behind his back so to say, do you think we could copy him in?
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2019 6:59 AM
Subject: Re: Mike de Verteuil's email address
Hi Don,
Did you have those 2 photos to show Fr. Mike to remind him of who you are, when you met him at the Living Water Community?
Maybe, it may have joggled his memory.
Lots happen in life to us after school.
Just my thoughts.
Anyhow, that was then.
All the best my dear friend.
George Mickiewicz  <>
Jan 23 at 12:30 PM
As I recall you were in the same class, one year behind my class of 1962
Don Mitchell  <>
Jan 23 at 12:07 PM
I met Fr Mike only once since leaving Mount in 1964. 
It was between 15 and 20 years ago in the 1990s. 
The Living Waters headquarters was and is immediately adjacent to the home of my brother Gordon and his wife Joan in Cascade. 
Gordon took me next door to say hello to Fr Mike. 
Gordon told me that Fr Mike was then the official priest to the Living Waters Community, which I gather is some sort of evangelical Roman Catholic offshoot. 
Fr Mike was in the residence, but he appeared not to remember who I was and was not very welcoming. 
I felt disappointed, but realised that a lot of time had passed since we last met. 
So, I soon took my leave and departed. 
I never met him again.
Sent:  Wednesday, January 23, 2019 11:12 AM
Thanks, Nigel
……..still the one and only one who became a priest of all the thousand boys who attended the Mount…..
You and a handful of others entered the seminary but ………. 
I never considered it myself.
From:  Nigel Boos
Sent:  Wednesday, January 23, 2019 8:59 AM
Yes, Shish.
I believe he’s connected somehow to the Living Water Community in P0S.
I also understand that he’s now been elevated to the rank of a Monsignor.
On Jan 23, 2019, at 9:51 AM,
Thanks for the update.
Is Father Mike still in Trinidad?
From:  Nigel Boos
Sent:  Wednesday, January 23, 2019 8:39 AM
Thanks so much, Chris.
We’re simply trying to update our personnel records of ex-Abbey School students, and Fr. Mike’s address is one that we needed to complete the job.
I appreciate your kind help.
Love to you and Jean.
On Jan 22, 2019, at 3:55 PM,
Chris de Montagnac <> wrote:
Hi Nigel,
Fr. Mike's E mail address is:
Nigel Boos  <>
Jan 21 at 2:48 PM
OK, guys.
I got ‘em.
Thank you, and do keep me in the picture, as you’re doing.
Don Mitchell <>
Jan 20 at 11:13 AM
Thank you, George,
I would welcome your sending any new email addresses as soon as you can.
Sent:  Sunday, January 20, 2019 10:34 AM
Do you want me to do same if I come across new email addresses as far your Circular email database?
OK…makes sense
From:  Don Mitchell
Sent:  Sunday, January 20, 2019 7:36 AM
Thanks for the updates, George.
I have one other suggestion. 
I don’t mind replacing the database every day. 
But, I think you will find most persons will find it irritating to get too many updates in the same month. 
If you could circulate the latest updated version, say, once every six months, that would be sufficient for most of us. 
I think I am correct in recalling Nigel used to do it about once a year.
From:  Kazim Abasali
Sent:  Sunday, January 20, 2019 8:44 AM
After the updates you make to the MSB Database, add a new version like (1b or 1c) and attach the Database to us so we have the latest updated one.
I will do the same, and say what I updated if I make any changes.
Thank you for your wonderful support.
On Sunday, January 20, 2019,
Have also updated the corresponding information in Kazim’s AS MSB Excel file plus updated Fontaine’s move from Venezuela to Portugal last year
From:  Don Mitchell
Sent:  Sunday, January 20, 2019 6:18 AM
Thanks, George,
Let’s copy them to Ladislao, Kaz and Nigel.
Jan 20 at 8:51 AM
Sure, Kaz…..
Will something like this work?
MSBOBs database 20 January, 2019 REV 1
Jan 19 at 9:51 AM
Hi Kazim
Have found out recently that the email addresses for the following old boys in the current database are no longer active:
Enrique Castells,
Urbano de Fedak,
Peter Laughlin non-business email,
Father Mike de Verteuil, Peter de Morvay. 
Perhaps Ladislao may have their current addresses.
Don Mitchell  <>
Jan 19 at 1:35 PM
Thank you, Kaz, for the update, and thank you, George, for the help you will be giving Kaz.
All positive supports in preserving the memory of our old school and our schoolmates are welcome from any of us.
EDITED by Ladislao Kertesz,, Support the Circular it is 52.oo usd per year to cover the preparation of 52 issues. Remember that it is being prepared in Venezuela where I am having difficulties with the material for its preparation.
65UN0001FILMOTO, Fr, Ildefonse and his moto.
15LK4491FBJKA, Jean Kalideen
57CV0010CVI, The five Amigos
07LK6273FBCOMMUNITYMSB, yearly photo