Saturday 26 January 2019

Circular No 899

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 26 January 2019 No. 899
Dear Friends,
I would like to clarify and remind you about the CODE numbers and letters that are listed at the bottom of each photo. You are invited to suggest corrections.
The first two numbers have to do with the year when the photo was taken,
The next two letters belongs to the author of the photo. When I get the photo sent to me, these would be the initials of the person in the photo, but when I use Facebook to fish photos then I use my initials. LK. I also use LK when I take the photo myself.
The next four numbers have to do with a sequence I  invent or a number that Facebook uses.
If the next two letters are FB, it means that it was taken from Facebook.
Following FB, if there is FB, the next three letters are the initials, first letter the initial of the first name; then two letters for the surname
When there are only two individuals on the photo, I repeat the before written sequence.
When there are more than two individuals I use the three letters of the principal person where the photo is going to be filed, and add GRP.
Sometimes the CODE ends in WFE = wife, GRP = group, EDIMSB = buildings and others
I hope you will help me if I have the wrong person or wrong CODE.
Caracas, 28 of March 2002.
Dear Fr. Augustine
I am resending my 1 of February email to you, since I do not know if you have received it. There has been no communication between the Monastery´s computer and our group or in that case with me. Please send us a short note indicating if you are well or any news that you might want others to have.
1 of February 2002.
This is the first time I write to you since my visit to TT. The visit brought back good memories and as you see in my lines written for msb oldboys and the web page there is a movement to inquire about old friends and classmates.
Your Guava Jam was very good, I left some for the Vaughan family!!!.
I am glad to have been able to meet you and have the conversation, I am sorry that the time was short and that I could not exchange all the ideas that were in my head as I was being escorted by the friends where I stayed, and I did not want the take more of their time than would have been excessive.
By now you must have read several of my circulars. I hope that you like them. In my addressing system I still do not know how to separately address the circulars so that Fr. Benedict would get his personally and Fr. Cuthbert but some day. I write to all of you with the same kindness.
I would like to get the address of Fr. Paul and Fr. Francis, whom you said to be still living and in a retreat house. Of course if there is an e-mail it would be good and if you could send some lines for those dead, the year, where, and how, that would be interesting. I remember you answering to my questions but my hard drive was full and cannot reproduce your answer for my circulars.
I am including the general list of msb students, I am sure you can add some more and eliminate those that were not. I shall keep you informed if new ones appear. The biggest problem is to find out the Form V graduation year because of the Hi C  and other additional courses that were given after the Oxford and Cambridge exams. Maybe Mrs. Markus can help with the list that she worked on. Do you show her the circulars???. How can I get an access to her year listing???. Don Mitchell who visited you last May told me that Fr. John offered the listing and photos from Fr.Bernard??  Maybe you can follow up.
I am in constant contact with Dr. Isaias Farcheg whom you know and he send his best greetings.
I need a two-line information on those that have been in contact with you during these last years. Many of us have lost contact with others and are curious.
Has there been a book of magazine written about the mount, outside the Jubileum issues?? It is interesting that when I was in TT I have heard promotion to visit the mount in a radio station but no information appears in the internet??
This part is new: I hope that you are well and that you get my circular every week. The circulars are for all of you although I do not address them to anybody in particular. My system does not allow this.
God Bless
Chilling in "Mel".
Spent three lovely days with Tony and Annette, visit to Blue Springs to view the amazing clear blue green waters, variety of fish and numerous manatee that gather in the river this time of year.
Today we drove to Port DeSoto, Judie had her walk on the beach while I got my rod out and cast to the uninterested fish that were frolicking in the bay.
A visit by a blue and white heron was an unexpected bonus.
David de Verteuil "Baje".
We live in Ancaster, Ontario and have two daughters and a son.
After 37 years I finally hung up my rugby boots and took up fly fishing and golf.
I have worked mostly in the graphic and printing industry and have started my own company as a Broker.
(I have him in my list as: RIP 2018, please someone confirm. Ed)
Robert deVerteuil
Monday, December 17, 2007 9:54:50 AM
Hello Ladislao
I have been reading with interest the various reports and comments reported recently in your bulletins regarding the 2007 Reunion.
I did not attend the function mainly because I heard (or read) about it only a few days/weeks before and had already committed to another gathering on that date.
Anyway, I recall that the planned event sounded very impromptu and casual and not a formal meeting of the MSB Old Boys especially those from my era (’55-’58).
This I mentioned to Gordon Mitchell prior to the date.
I can endorse a lot of what Jon and Don have said in their ‘reports’ and most certainly the fact that I would undoubtedly feel a total stranger amongst a group of MSB boys who were there 15-25 years after me.
I was away from Trinidad from ’58-’67 and after that the Mount was just buildings on the hills that I passed twice a day on my way to eke out a living in Arima.
My memories are confined to those I met there, co-students, foreign and local, priests, sports, scouts and general activities.
I recall hearing that MSB had become a drug rehab center at some point.
Mentally, I may have switched off from the goings on at the Mount from then on.
As time went on, I always enjoyed an impromptu gathering to those of my era to relate happenings and especially the function held in POS when Manuel visited.
As said by others, your bulletins are what seem to hold the Old Boys together, albeit in a somewhat fragile manner.
I say fragile because most of the contributors or those mentioned are, or seem to be, from the pre or circa 1965 era with a few into the ‘70s and precious few after that.
The listing you sent me some time ago has over 500 names on it of which about 20% have email addresses.
I cannot add or update addresses unless they are sent to me or are shown in your circulars. (Incidentally, the list contains only 2 ‘deVerteuil’s both of which I added.
Maybe your mailing list has the other umpteen!).
So, where were the other hundreds on Re-union day? The local committee needs to find them.
Surely, Don, David Bratt and I were not the only one’s missing.!!!
Keep up the good work you do Ladislao with the publishing of the circulars.
I do enjoy reading them and on the very odd occasion, hearing about those who I knew and now live and work in far off distant places.
Robert deVerteuil
(PS I was away for 10 days hence the mail bounce back.)
Toddy enjoyed the El Dorado  Neal Charles how are you
11-09-2017 Charles Neil: I hope Toddy is selling his doubles machines. Is Winston retired or still trying to be Rothschild? I am doing well thanks, still trying to spend my kids inheritance
11-09-2017 Ramsahai Winston 99: I will knock on you door very soon calaloo soup almost there  You doing that 5 ,yrs
11-09-2017 Charles Neil: U got that right
11-09-2017 Ramsahai Winston 99: Did u experience heavy rains in Orlando
11-09-2017 Charles Neil: No, heavy winds But we had no problems in our neighbourhood
11-09-2017 Ramsahai Winston 99: God heard your prayer
11-09-2017 Charles Neil: He heard my wife's prayers I am a hedon pray for More wine  I wish the rain would turn into wine
11-09-2017 Ramsahai Winston 99: Then you will find your calling  Then I will retire  Nice to reconnect buddy we expected some more guys at MSB  Fr Cutty received a Dutch style funeral lots of rain
11-09-2017 Charles Neil: I said that So many old boys in Trinidad  and such a small turn out  Including Big head Colm,if I happen to see that asshole in Trinidad, I hope he has his buddy guards around Winston,u can afford to jump on a plane anytime and come visit don't start no shit now
11-09-2017   Ramsahai Winston 99: Acting PM at least it's first fur Abbey School
11-09-2017 Charles Neil: It's a disgrace u mean
11-09-2017 Ramsahai Winston 99: It's long overdue just have an El Dorado
11-09-2017 Charles Neil: Let's tell everyone he went to CIC,that's where he took his A levels
11-09-2017 Ramsahai Winston 99: If you were acting PM maybe the same
11-09-2017 Charles Neil: So book your damn ticket  and get your ass in Orlando
11-09-2017 Ramsahai Winston 99: Yes Sir  Call me anytime 774-4999
11-09-2017 Charles Neil: If I was Pm or acting, I will call your ass at 3am
11-09-2017 Ramsahai Winston 99: That my Bandit hour  Don't call 3-7 that's my siesta
11-09-2017 Charles Neil: To give u a contract to kill all the niggars that causing trouble  I call me anytime I am as free as a bird have my Home number  Winston, stopped your shit and retire  the world and enjoy the short time we have left  If u don't want to see the world. Then come see me and some of the old boys
11-09-2017 Ramsahai Winston 99: See you soon my scout word
11-09-2017 Charles Neil: U know I hold u that. Going to take a shower and get my ass to bed. I give u one month
11-09-2017 Ladislao: If he does not go can I replace him, haha. I might work up a reunion
11-09-2017 Charles Neil: I was out in the porch sipping on some Hennessey Le Parradis,I will save u some. its $1000 a bottle 
My kids don't drink so have enjoy it
11-09-2017 Charles Neil: Anyone  that gets into politics Will become corrupt. Money talks...bullshiit ...walks.just be a
Business man make an honest dollar,I am not rich..but I enjoy life.  I don't have to worry about someone trying to kidnap or kill me.
EDITED by Ladislao Kertesz,,  if you would like to be in the circular’s mailing list or any old boy that you would like to include.
14LK9957FBMDV, Mark de Verteuil
18UN0012FAU, Fr, Augustine 2018
60LK0001FAUTAS, Fr. Augustine 1960
14LK1342FBJKA, Jean Kalideen, Past Secretary of Fr. Augustine

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