Saturday 5 January 2019

Circular No 896

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 5 January 2019 No. 896
Dear Friend,
Interesting to note that George left Facebook, because of unwanted material.
I am on facebook but I do not use it because I spend more time deleting than enjoying.
This concern for security has kept many away from Facebook.
Nigel Boos  <>
Dec 27, 2018 at 3:05 PM
You’ve rendered a Yeoman’s contribution to the MSB Circulars and generally by keeping us in touch with connected and related stories about the OB’s and the misc. ways in which "we live and move and have our being” and we all owe you a great debt of gratitude.
Thank you, my friend, for your love and care and for being the faithful man you are.
If security has now become a matter of concern to you, then of course you have every reason to be more careful with your contributions, and I applaud you for your decision.
God be with you and your family in all that you do, and I wish you ever blessing in the New Year.
On Dec 27, 2018, at 6:44 AM,
Thanks, Kazim….
Will continue to contribute via the Circulars and stay in touch as needed via email.
Will continue to keep you in my prayers as you continue to heal,
From:  Kazim Abasali
Sent:  Thursday, December 27, 2018 3:10 AM
I am very thankful for your postings and sharing on our MSB Abbey School Facebook Group.
And I appreciate you so very much.
You will be surely missed as you gave so much.
We understand your concerns and wish you the very best in your endeavors.
Continued blessings to you and your lovely family my friend.
Take care........
On Tue, Dec 25, 2018 at 12:42 PM
Lots of guys
From:  Kazim Abasali
Sent:  Tuesday, December 25, 2018 2:37 AM
Well, who is going to hold the fort now?
On Dec 25, 2018 2:52 AM,
"George Mickiewicz" <> wrote:
Have deleted my FB account due to a series of recent security related issues.
Dec 31, 2018 at 7:53 AM
In case Nigel did not include you, Ladislao, in this sad note.
From:  Nigel Boos
Sent:  Sunday, December 30, 2018 9:49 PM
Subject:  David de Verteuil, RIP
(David de Verteuil, Middle Bage??? Oakville Ontario Canada.  Editor)
Thanks for this information, Alan.
David was a gentle soul and a fine gentleman, for all the years I knew him.
He and his younger brother, Maurice were my friends at the Abbey School 1955-1960 and I’m very sorry that he has left us now.
Of course, from my Catholic education, I understand and believe that he has “merely" gone home to his heavenly Father, and I pray that he will enjoy eternal life in peace and joy in the company of God himself.
May God have mercy on his soul. 
If anyone knows Maurice’s email address and/or telephone number, maybe you’ll be so good as to let me have it.
I’d like to express my sincere condolences to him and to David’s wife in person.
I was unaware that he had died, and, as it turns out, he was buried yesterday, whereas I heard of his passing only today.
I realize that I am facing my own mortality, when I realize how many of my classmates have now left us behind and gone home to God.
The ones I remember are:
Wayne Vincent-Browne
Gerard Pampellonne
Claude Johnson
Christopher Knowles
Randall Galt
(Michael King from Barbados was the first to go RIP from our class 1960.  Editor)
But that’s life, and no-one can avoid his own passing.
May we all be ready to meet our Creator when our time comes.
From:  Alan Date <>
Subject: David de Verteuil, RIP
Date:  December 30, 2018 at 1:10:15 PM EST
I can't remember David, but I presume he was a MSB ol' boy, eh Nigel?
&/or you knew him, JB?
May he RIP.
Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2018 7:16
Hi Alan,
We got the sad news of David de Verteuil's passing (in Oakville). 
Paul knew him in the 70s so you must have known him too.
January 05, 2019
From: George (
But especially great health....and.....freedom for Venezuela and all Venezuelans.
Jan 1 at 11:39 AM
Hi guys
Praying and thinking of how best the Mickiewicz family and friends group can continue to help as many as we can of the current brothers-in-need and their families under the all the challenges and barriers that exist today.
In February, I would like to propose the following approach to the 11 entities in our Mickiewicz group that assisted in 2018:
Adopt a brother and his family….this creates a human contact and commitment between 2 entities on a direct basis
Each member of our group sends the adopted family $50 directly every 6 months to where they live via the most cost effective of the available direct fund transfer options:
Remesas via credit cards
Bitcoin, Zelle or any other more effective fund transfer system that exists today.
If successful, This will expand the opportunity to assist those in need in Central and Western Venezuela.
I fully understand that any change from the current approach will create both pros and cons. One that comes to mind are the medicines that are currently delivered from Trinidad to Venezuela.
Would like to initiate a dialogue between all of us to determine if this is an effective mechanism to test to lighten some of the burdens being carried over the years by the ASAA. My sense is that the overall need will grow as the Venezuelan economy continues to deteriorate drastically day by day (see article below); the numbers needing help will probably increase.
I propose a test where I would proceed with a direct transfer to a specific brother in January.
Looking forward, if successful, it probably can be extended later on to other alumni who are able to contribute USA$50 or equivalent every 6 months.
Last but not least…..I recognize that the socio-economic-political situation in Venezuela is so fluid that whatever is done will probably be “temporary in nature?” and we will have to be very flexible to continue this assistance in the best way that we are able to do versus the dynamic changes taking place.
Please share this note to anyone else who is currently a critical partner in this endeavor.
In advance, thanks for your response in sharing your value adding reflections and ideas on this proposal,
02-09-2017 Farias Gabriel: Fr. Cuthbert, His final resting place
02-09-2017 Zavarce Arturo: R.I.PπŸ™πŸ™
02-09-2017 Kenny Azizul: Great photos Winston but besides u and Fr Harold please introduce the rest  The one in the suit looks like Specs  Ah seeing Joe and Zef
02-09-2017 Cantore Oscar: La moto que usaba Attyla en sus escapadas a Tunapuna πŸ˜†
02-09-2017 Gyuris Attila: Asi es. Sino preguntale a Frank Malave que estaba de parrillero. El Cutty casi nos cacha una vez.
03-09-2017 Joseph Habib: Some memories of the send off for Fr. Cuthbert. It was a good and blessed day for many who attended. It was great seeing some of the guys again. Fr. Cuthbert was well represented.
03-09-2017 Ahow Hector Tx: Thanks πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™
04-09-2017 Kenny Azizul: Well written Joe it was interesting
08-09-2017 Ladislao: Hector, where are you this weekend?
08-09-2017 Ahow Hector Tx: Houston TEXAS
08-09-2017 Ladislao: I am in BogotΓ‘ and we are getting ready for a get together. I have read that there is a new old boy but cannot recall his name. From TT
08-09-2017 Ahow Hector Tx: I am now living in Houston.
08-09-2017 Ladislao: Good.  Much better  I have read that a TT old boy moved to Bogota. Have you any news on this?
11-09-2017 Berment Joseph: Happy Birthday, Toddy!
11-09-2017 Ramsahai toddy: Thanks Joe
11-09-2017 Rampersandsingh Anand: πŸŽ‚πŸΎ HAPPY BIRTHDAY πŸ‘
11-09-2017 Ladislao: Same here Toddy
11-09-2017 Ladislao:  Oldboys in BogotΓ‘
11-09-2017 Zanelli Enrique: Names? I recognize Ladislao but who are the others? Vintage?  Happy bday Toddy
11-09-2017 Ramsahai toddy: Hey thanks old boys
11-09-2017 Ladislao: Names:  Ladislao KertΓ©sz, Anthony Obrien, Luis Guio, George Iwaszkiewicz
11-09-2017 Ladislao: Photo taken Yesterday 10 sept 2017
11-09-2017 Zanelli Enrique: Is George Iwaszkiewicz AKA Nazi?
11-09-2017 Charles Neil: Is that Luis Guio from Valencia?
11-09-2017 Ladislao: There were two Georges, the other is Mickiewicz.  Same time. 1959
11-09-2017 Joseph Habib: Quick question, this Luis Guio, did he have to sons that also went to the Mount? I knew 2 Guios that were there in the 70s. They names were Carlos, being the elder and Luis. They were from Columbia.  Happy birthday Toddy. Hope things are in your favour.
11-09-2017 Rampersandsingh Anand: Carlos live in  Mississauga canada
11-09-2017 Joseph Habib: You mean he lives there now. I was wondering, the guy in the photo, is he related to the 70s Guios?
EDITED by Ladislao Kertesz,,  if you would like to be in the circular’s mailing list or any old boy that you would like to include.
60CV0008GUYANESE, team visit to Guyana
07BG0001BGOSTE, Brian Goddard and Stephen Tempro
56UN0020CHOIR, The choir under Fr. Francis
60UN0010SPORTS, Hundred yards flat, Ladislao Kertesz and group


  1. Ladislao, I don't use Facebook because I don't have a 10-year old to instruct me how to avoid all the rubbish on it :-)

  2. On photo NO 60CV0008GUYANESE, team visit to Guyana; names missing, David Bratt advises:
    1. Tang, first name slips me, talks up a rage
    4. Ronald Charles, good left foot & stamina; now a GP, daughter a pediatrician
    5. Winston Kerry, well known Kerry family from St. Augustine
    6. David Bratt, me
    7. Serrete (seminarian); later President of Pan Trinbago
    8. Roger Henderson, “Nylon”; good ball sense
    9. Christopher Date…….tremendous left foot, played for St. Francis, had a younger brother
    10. Herrera, Michael, off breaks; girlfriend in Guyana was Donna Viera
    11. Dunno; ? Maloney
    14. Allan Joseph, think we nicknamed him TAFA (Trinidad Amateur Football Association?); well-known Trinidad centre half
    15. Geoffrey Gransaul (think that’s the way his first name is spelt); BWIA pilot, retired; brother was “Muscle toe"
    17. “Bullet” Howell : tremendous sprinter & man about town; lawyer


  3. On the photograph of the 1956 choir, Garnet Diaz has the following offering:

    I’ve been scanning the picture of the 1956 Choir and have to question the accuracy of the accompanying legend,..maybe Nigel or anyone else out there might be able to help out here.
    #2 might be Lawrence Scott,
    #3 looks more like Roberto Savorgnian than Jorge Iwaskiewiczs,
    #4 Christopher Knowles
    #5 Peter Boos
    #11 Pablo Figuera
    #13,Jon Golding (RIP)
    #14 Robert Gonsalves
    #15 Definitely Jean de Meillac,.he of the Bald head,..always had to wear a cap to prevent him from constantly pulling his hair out,..I know,..he sat right behind me in Class,
    #20 is Michael Herrera
    #21John Thavenot (Extreme left front)
    #30 Stephen Clerk
    #34 might be Randal Galt


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